Making a Good First Impression at Work

Making a Good First Impression at Work

Making a good first impression is easy with these five top tips.

We have all heard the adage, ‘You never get a second chance to make a good first impression’ and the more slightly daunting ‘first impressions last’. While staying in the minds of your colleagues for all the wrong reasons shouldn’t have to remain a blot on your resume forever, there are definite ways to keep your colleagues onside – here are just five tactics to making a favourable first impression at work.

Dressing appropriately

The way you dress at your workplace will depend on the individual workplace culture or industry standards – there are not always hard and fast rules. To gauge what is considered to be appropriate, look at what your colleagues are wearing. You may work in an office where casual clothing is acceptable and you may stick out like a sore thumb if you rock up in a suit but in other companies, more formal attire may be required.

Using proper office etiquette

There are certain modes of behaviour that should be followed when you are in a workplace situation and answering phone calls, answering emails and other correspondence – remain professional at all times even if you are friends with your colleagues.  Remember that in some countries like Australia by law email belongs to the company so keep those funny gags and personal interactions outside of the workplace.

Acting in a professional manner

Whether you are at work, in a client meeting or going to an office function such as the Christmas party, you are still representing your company. Some employees who are new to a workplace are not always aware that office etiquette still applies. An company do might be the first official introduction to most of the employees in your organisation and your chance to make a good first impression with your colleagues.

Pulling your weight

If you have started a job and you are always throwing sickies or AWOL, you have just asked for a month’s annual leave, constantly missing deadlines or busy updating your status on Facebook, you’re not going to be making the best first impression on your colleagues. If news of your behaviour reaches the higher management, it may even get you fired if you’re within your probation period.

But being a hard worker is not enough

Some people fall into the trap of thinking of that being a hard worker is enough to win over the acclaim of your managers and colleagues but sadly in most organisations it isn’t enough. Rightly or wrongly, it’s also important to a lot of companies that you fit into the office culture. Understanding the office politics and cultural dynamics and what attributes outside of hard skills are valued by your company can be critical to your success.

Fitting into the work culture is important but it’s also vital not to lose your identity or change who you are as a person. As you start getting to know your colleagues and settling in, you can start adding little touches to your outfits and work space to show more of your personal style and individuality and make it yours. If you make a good first impression, this can keep you in good stead for your career at the company.


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