Five Reasons to go Organic


Eating processed food is so last decade. Although there are no long-term studies supporting living organically, many experts and supporters claim that eating organic food is healthier and better for you. The Biological Farmers of Australia (BFA) has a vision for the organic industry in Australia – to grow organic food sales to 10 per cent of the food market in Australia by 2020. Here are five reasons why experts say to go organic.

Organic foods taste better Organic produce has been tipped as one of the “hottest” fine dining trends for 2010 in a recent survey of over 1800 professional chefs of the American Culinary Federation (ACF). The annual “What’s Hot” survey revealed that 73 percent of ACF chefs voted organic produce as a ‘hot’ restaurant menu trend for 2010. Many top chefs are choosing to cook with organic produce primarily because of their fresh, clean taste and excellent quality. The richness of the natural flavours reflects the pure nutrients of the soil.

Organic is food is better for youOrganic produce has higher antioxidant levels than conventional, according to a recent analysis of research conducted over the last three decades and published in March 2008 by the Organic Center. Scientists looked at 97 studies examining the nutritional profiles of organic and conventional fruits and vegetables and concluded organic produce are 25% more nutrient dense, on average, and hence deliver more essential nutrients per serving or calorie consumed.

Organic production reduces health risksWhen you choose organic, you are supporting a farming system that keeps toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic fertilizers out of our water, soil, and air. The Organic Trade Association says many EPA-approved pesticides were registered long before extensive research linked these chemicals to cancer and other diseases. Organic agriculture is one way to prevent any more of these chemicals from getting into the environment.

Organic foods are kinder to the environmentThe BFA says that by going organic you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating synthetic nitrogen fertilisers. Agriculture in Australia is the second-highest contributor of greenhouse gases (17 per cent in 2004). The Australian Greenhouse Office says that fertiliser emissions accounted for two-thirds of all cropping emissions. Organic standards prohibit the use of nitrogen fertilisers (Cotton Research and Development Corporation, 2007).

Growing organic livestock is kinder to animalsThe BFA says that organic livestock is grown in a way that ensures humane treatment of animals and improves animal welfare. Scientific evidence indicates that practices such as battery hen farming, and the use of sow stalls, inflict continuous intense suffering on animals throughout their confinement leading to acute physical and behavioural problems (RSPCA).

Organic livestock is nurtured in a way that conforms to natural processes of growth and development and the BFF says that growing organic livestock eliminate use of growth hormones, antibiotics and genetically engineered drugs and feeds in livestock.

For twenty more reasons why you should go organic, where you can buy organic food and produce or more information about organic food and produce, visit the Biological Farmers of Australia’s website.

The post Five Reasons to go Organic appeared first on WorkLifePlay.


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